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Social Media in Emergent Brazil : How the Internet Affects Social Mobility
Year: 2017 Publisher: London : UCL Press,

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Since the popularisation of the internet, low-income Brazilians have received little government support to help them access it. In response, they have largely self-financed their digital migration. Internet cafés became prosperous businesses in working-class neighbourhoods and rural settlements, and, more recently, families have aspired to buy their own home computer with hire purchase agreements. As low-income Brazilians began to access popular social media sites in the mid-2000s, affluent Brazilians ridiculed their limited technological skills, different tastes and poor schooling, but this did not deter them from expanding their online presence. Young people created profiles for barely literate older relatives and taught them to navigate platforms such as Facebook and WhatsApp. Based on 15 months of ethnographic research, this book aims to understand why low-income Brazilians have invested so much of their time and money in learning about social media. Juliano Spyer explores this question from a number of perspectives, including education, relationships, work and politics. He argues that social media is the way for low-income Brazilians to stay connected to the family and friends they see in person on a regular basis, which suggests that social media serves a crucial function in strengthening traditional social relations.


Social media.

Diario social di un rettore : la chimica nel paese di Facebook
Authors: ---
Year: 2016 Publisher: Firenze : Firenze University Press,

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Is it possible to disseminate science through social networks? Facebook was created to share thoughts, ideas, sensations and anything mild and fleeting; certainly not for the dissemination of scientific and academic knowledge. On the contrary... by combining the obligatory conciseness of a post, the taste for fantasy at the service of the dissemination of scientific knowledge, and the socialization of such a widespread means of communication, there is a metamorphosis turning the irreversible, ineffable volatility of a social network into the lapidary and realistic fixity of this book of digital cameos, dedicated to many aspects of chemistry, a science which is so inextricably enveloped in our daily life. A “chemical” Rector disguises himself as Alice and ventures into a land, the Facebook land, where the wonders coming from imaginative journeys in matter, in its laws and in its imponderable enigmatic nature, take shape.


Social media.

Fankulturen und Fankommunikation
Authors: ---
Year: 2022 Publisher: Berlin : Peter Lang Verlag,

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In der medien- und kulturanalytischen Linguistik hat sich ein lebendiges Interesse an Fans, Fanpraktiken und Fankulturen entwickelt. Insbesondere in den Sozialen Medien lassen sich die Erlebnis- und Inszenierungsformen von Fans und die fankulturellen Regeln und Rituale etwa des Displays emotionaler Involviertheit detailliert beobachten. Der interdisziplinäre Band versammelt empirische, medienanalytische Studien zu neueren Formen von Fankulturen und Fankommunikation und dokumentiert so den aktuellen Stand der Fanforschung im Zeichen der Sozialen Medien.

Wildfire safety social media content shareables.
Year: 2015 Publisher: [Washington, D.C.] : FEMA,

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Regulating Content on Social Media: Copyright, Terms of Service and Technological Features
Year: 2018 Publisher: UCL Press

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How are users influenced by social media platforms when they generate content, and does this influence affect users’ compliance with copyright laws? These are pressing questions in today’s internet age, and Regulating Content on Social Media answers them by analysing how the behaviours of social media users are regulated from a copyright perspective. Corinne Tan, an internet governance specialist, compares copyright laws on selected social media platforms, namely Facebook, Pinterest, YouTube, Twitter and Wikipedia, with other regulatory factors such as the terms of service and the technological features of each platform. This comparison enables her to explore how each platform affects the role copyright laws play in securing compliance from their users. Through a case study detailing the content generative activities undertaken by a hypothetical user named Jane Doe, as well as drawing from empirical studies, the book argues that – in spite of copyright’s purported regulation of certain behaviours – users are 'nudged' by the social media platforms themselves to behave in ways that may be inconsistent with copyright laws.


Copyright. --- Social media.

Chapter Parole pesanti. Hate Speech e comunicazione politica ai tempi dei social media
Year: 2021 Publisher: Florence : Firenze University Press,

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The process of increased connectivity has made the issue of "hate speech" more and more relevant in the social and political debate. The effects of hate speech and its viral diffusion on most social media are producing deteriorating effects in the contemporary social and political environments, with direct consequences on the quality of the democratic debate and on the level of institutional respect. The chapter suggests that an ethical approach based on values can be much more effective than sanctions and regulations in the contrast to hate speech practices.

Chapter 4 The social value of anonymity on campus : a study of the decline of Yik Yak
Year: 2019 Publisher: London, England : Taylor & Francis,

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"This paper considers the social value of anonymity in online university student communities, through the presentation of research which tracked the final year of life of the social media application Yik Yak. Yik Yak was an anonymous, geosocial mobile application launched in 2013 which, at its peak in 2014, was used by around two million students in the US and UK. The research we report here is significant as a mixed method study tracing the final year of the life of this app in a large UK university between 2016 and 2017. The paper uses computational and ethnographic methods to understand what might be at stake in the loss of anonymity within university student communities in a datafied society. Countering the most common argument made against online anonymity - its association with hate speech and victimisation - the paper draws on recent conceptual work on the social value of anonymity to argue that anonymity online in this context had significant value for the communities that use it. This study of a now-lost social network constitutes a valuable portrait by which we might better understand our current predicament in relation to anonymity, its perceived value and its growing impossibility.".

Overdose di storie : La narrazione senza fine dei social media
Year: 2022 Publisher: Florence : Firenze University Press,

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Stories are now a distinctive and established genre in social media. From Snapchat to WhatsApp, via Facebook and Instagram, more than half a billion authors (amateurs, but not only) interact with apps by composing and consuming stories that configure new literature in which alphabetic writing coexists with the growing dominance of visual language. Centered on the narrativization of the lives of the users, invited to tell and retell themselves seamlessly, the hardware architecture and software interfaces of digital devices and media seem to generate a form of addiction to narratives, a need induced in both writing and reading. In the face of such an overdose, the question remains whether those of social media are still "stories that heal" or, rather, stories that poison.

Die Praxis der Social-Media-Analyse : Eine Explorative Untersuchung Kalibrierten Zuhörens in der Automobilindustrie
ISBN: 3658351217 3658351209 Year: 2021 Publisher: Wiesbaden : Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden GmbH,

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Diese Open-Access-Publikation entfaltet die Konstruktion von Wissen mit Social-Media-Analysen in der deutschen Automobilindustrie. Dort herrscht Goldgräberstimmung – trotz enormem Innovationsdruck: Big Data soll Licht in manches Dunkel bringen und offene Fragen beantworten. Im Ergebnis wird entlang der angewandten Praxis das Handeln und Denken eines deutschen Automobilherstellers rekonstruiert: Es fehlt an Deutungskompetenz sowie an der Bereitschaft, sich auf das Wissenspotential der Netzöffentlichkeit einzulassen. Ausgerechnet das zukunftsorientierte Thema der Digitalisierung hat viel mit Vergangenheit zu tun.

Soziale medien in schule und hochschule : linguistische, sprach-und mediendidaktische perspektiven
Authors: ---
Year: 2019 Publisher: [Place of publication not identified] : Peter Lang International Academic Publishers,

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Soziale Medien fordern die Didaktik unter zweierlei Perspektive heraus: Als Instrumente didaktischen Handelns können sie Unterricht bei der Erreichung seiner Vermittlungs- und Förderziele bereichern. Als Reflexionsgegenstand müssen sie hinsichtlich ihrer Effekte auf Sprache, Kommunikation, Individuum und Gesellschaft analysiert werden, um Lernenden Kompetenzen für die Orientierung in der digitalen Welt zu vermitteln. Dieser Band präsentiert zehn Arbeiten von 17 Autorinnen und Autoren aus Linguistik, Sprach- und Mediendidaktik, die anhand von Praxisbeispielen und Unterrichtsanregungen aktuelle Entwicklungen und Herausforderungen in Bezug auf das Lehren und Lernen mit sozialen Medien und über soziale Medien reflektieren.

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